
What is Dysgraphia in Children?

Dec 19 , 2019

When children start school and are introduced to writing, they take time to develop motor skills, thinking and writing simultaneously. While it is okay if your child goes through phases of developing neat handwriting but if the difficulty doesn’t seem to go away chances are your child has a learning disability known as Dysgraphia.


Dysgraphia is a nervous system-related problem in which children have difficulty in writing and have trouble performing written tasks.

Here are a few early symptoms of this problem-

  • Cramping of hand
  • Soreness in hands after writing
  • Difficulty in spacing words
  • Difficulty in spelling words and finishing sentences
  • Unusual wrist position while writing

The psychologist at your child’s school will be able to determine if he or she shows any symptoms of Dysgraphia along with any other disorder.

There is no specific reason as to why children might develop this disability. Scientists relate it with brain injuries in adults but it may not be the same with children.


There is no conventional treatment for Dysgraphia. Some medications may be prescribed to make the condition better. Cooperation from teachers may also help children take an interest in getting better. Instead of criticizing them for sloppy work, the school should recognize the problem and give them extra time to finish their homework or tasks.

As a parent, you can encourage your child to learn to type so that his or her learning process isn’t hindered. As for writing, you can introduce them to pencil grips and stress balls so that they can work on their coordination.

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