Having a newborn around is a joyous feeling for both, the mother and the family. Not only does the life and routine changes after a baby comes into the family, but they also come with a responsibility, and adults are responsible for the baby’s healthy growth.

There are many ayurvedic lifestyle recommendations that have been followed through generations in families and that has helped the mother nurture her children well. Apart from that, it is also the responsibility of the family members to help her in the process as she herself needs some healing. So we tell you some ayurvedic tips for your newborn’s optimal health that will help you in taking care of them in the best way possible.
Speak to them softly
Although the baby has not developed his speech and hearing capabilities but it does not mean they can’t sense it. Make sure to be gentle with your baby. Keep them away from loud and unpleasant sounds.
Keep them indoors
It is a medically proven fact that the immune system in babies takes at least four months to develop so it best to keep them in a nursery or a separate room, away from the outside world.
Don’t allow everyone to meet the baby
As mentioned above, the immune system of babies takes around four months to develop so it is better to give limited access to your baby. Allow only the family members to meet and touch newborns to reduce the chances of passing on any infection.
Exposure to sun and moonlight
There are many health benefits of exposing your newborn to both, sun and moonlight in the initial months. They are known to help with the development of the nervous system in babies.
Ayurvedic fumigation
Fumigation of the baby’s room using Ayurvedic, leaves, and roots can drive out the negative energy from their space and make their surrounding more positive. Recommended herbs are Brahmi, Jatamansi, and Heeng amongst others.
To understand the effects better, make sure to do your own research and consult with an ayurvedic expert to clear your doubts.