This Yoga Day, we tell you some yoga asanas which are good for children as it helps in getting better concentration and leads to living a healthy life. Have a look at what you must encourage your children do for healthy body and mind

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This prayer pose is familiar to everybody as we do this often to welcome our guests and in schools too every morning with folded hands. This yoga pose helps in balancing the nervous system and balances the body too. It is the first step of Surya Namaskar.

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This is best for kids as it is good for building confidence and focus. It is called the archer posture asana or the bow pose. It is good to fight stress fatigue and improves blood circulation with digestion.
It is called the raised arm pose and this helps in strengthening the shoulders. It also improves the oxygen level in the blood. Doing this you relax your neck muscles and back and it also stretches your spinal cord. It is good for your abdominal muscles and proves a nice exercise for the thyroid gland.
Hasta Padasana
It is called the hand to foot pose and is the best exercise to improve blood circulation in the hea. This exercise also stimulates your digestive, nervous and endocrine systems.
This mountain pose stretches your muscles of calves, forearms and hamstring. Especially for children, it’s good as it improves memory and concentration. It is the eighth step of Surya Namaskar. Performing this step daily you can get rid of fatigue.
Ashwa Sanchalanasana
This helps in improving the flexibility of legs and hips and is also a step of Surya Namaskar.
Called as the stick pose, this yoga asana takes the entire weight of the body on the wrists and helps in strengthening the arms. Not only this but it strengthens spinal cord and tones the abdomen also.
This mountain pose yoga asana helps in improving blood circulation, digestion and increases your energy level. This is the final step of Surya Namaskar. This yoga asana helps the children in improving balance and gain height gradually.
This tree pose asana brings balance and stability to the mind with increasing concentration. It develops the brain and strengthens the hips, leg, arms and the back.
It helps children learn meditation and even increases the concentration well.