We are proud to be Indians and it is equally important to instill this feeling in our future generations and the best way to do is to tell them the importance of independence day. To do so, parents can plan a few activities for kids on this day, to help them understand it better. Read on to know the activities that you and your kid can enjoy on Independence Day:
Flag Hoisting
We all know that Independence Day celebrations are incomplete without hoisting the tricolor flag. Everywhere flag hoisting takes places on this day, take your kid to any such place and make them participate in the celebrations. Also, it will be a good idea to help your kid learn the national anthem.
If your child is a little older then this is a great option. You can help them in planning a play or skit performance based on any famous incident that depicts the patriotic feeling. Also, you could yourself enact a skit or play for them that could help them learn the country’s history and understand what great freedom fighters have done for our country.
Tricolor party

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You can plan a fun Independence Day party for your kids and their friends. It will be a wonderful idea do everything following the tricolor theme. You can ask your kids to make decorations based on tricolors. You could arrange for few activities and competitions for them like dance, singing, drawing, and painting etc. And do not forget to serve food and drinks based on three colors of the Indian flag.
Historical walk
You can look for places in your city that are historical or have some link to Independence Day and plan a visit along with your kids there. When you will visit that place tell your kid the importance and significance of that particular place and make them practically learn things about history.
Patriotic movie show

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If you cannot go out or plan a party then you can simply plan a family movie time. Movies leave a big impact on everyone, thus it is a great way to teach them. You can choose any patriotic film and watch it together with your kids. Do ask your kid what they learned after watching the movie.