No mother can see her children go away from her. But when kids grow up parents have to take some decision for their education and better life and this when they send their children away from home and one such decision is sending them to a boarding school. Boarding school is just like normal school the only difference is that children stay at the school only. In boarding school children become independent and learn to manage things on their own. But for a mother sending her piece of heart away is a difficult task and this is when she has hundreds of emotions. Even I have gone through the same so can easily share what all goes in the mind.
- How will he/she manage without me?
- Uhhh, I am going to miss him badly
- How will he wash his clothes?
- How will he sleep alone?
- What kind of food he will get? Will he eat that food?
- I hope he likes boarding school
- I hope he concentrates on his studies
- How will he adjust to new atmosphere
- I wish I could go with him
- I hope the staff of the school is friendly and humble
- I will miss cooking for him
- I hope he doesn’t get involved in wrong company
- I wish he doesn’t have to face harassment
- Who will take care of his health?
- I hope he make good friends over there.
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