Parenting can be the most challenging journey of your life and the pandemic has only added to the stress of many parents who were struggling. Staying at home all day, explaining the lockdown, taking precautions and adapting to online learning has been especially difficult for parents with younger kids and things are not going back to normal, anytime soon.

Responsibilities have increased and so has stress which has affected the lifestyle and even eating habits. We talked to few parents and they shared some common struggles they have faced and things they have learned during the pandemic.
- Staying at home with children can be exhausting and it gave parents a new perspective, a chance for introspection and learning to be a better listener.
- The screen time has increased, for both, the parents and the children as there is nothing much to do at home with learning also being online.
- It has been difficult for parents to control their temper and maintaining cool and calm.
- Parents have a newfound respect for kindergarten teachers as explaining things to kids takes a lot of patience and determination.
- It is a task to explain to kids that why wearing the mask is important and why they can’t meet their friends even though they don’t live too far.
- Keeping toddlers entertained and occupied takes a lot of effort and it is difficult for them to adjust to the new changes.
- Without the help it’s tough to give extra attention to kids.
- Kids eating habits have also changed .
Everyone is trying their best and children too are cooperating to the best of their understanding. Parenting during a pandemic is hard but many parents are coping with it.